Humility is a strange thing. The minute you think you have got it, you have lost it. —Swami Chinmayananda Isn’t it strange that someone can be proud of being humble? True humility is a subtle inner quality that is expressed sincerely and spontaneously with total...
The highest spiritual discipline is identifying with the Self, the inner witness in you. This is the ever-present observer that is constantly aware of the thoughts, words and actions done by the lower self—the ego-personality you. Shifting your focus and...
Can you be happy without having peace of mind? It’s inconceivable because peace of mind and happiness are not two different things. A happy mind is itself a peaceful mind. When you say you want to be happy, what you are also implying is that you want peace of mind. Is...
Have you ever stopped to think of yourself as a citizen of the world, a member of the cosmic family? All things and beings belong to one cosmic family, intricately connected to each other in more ways than we can count. We in the cosmic family haven’t created this...
You are the eternal, blissful Self. You have forgotten your true nature and are now functioning as a limited human being constantly striving for happiness. Rediscovering your identity as the Self while you are in your body is the ultimate purpose of life. Until you...